Understanding the Risks of Beard Transplants | VizoxClinque
Risks of Beard Transplant - VizoxClinique

Only a guy can understand how important it is to have a thick beard to look handsome and confident. On the contrary, not having proper facial hair growth can definitely lead to decreased self-esteem and confidence. Fortunately, with the advent of beard hair transplant or beard restoration, there has been hope to brighten the lives of men who are struggling to grow a thick beard.

Make sure to opt for a certified, well-trained cosmetic plastic surgeon to get desirable, natural-looking outcomes. Visit Vizox Clinique, the perfect destination for beard hair transplant in Chandigarh. But, before undergoing beard transplant surgery, knowing the risks and complications associated with the procedure would be crucial to prepare both mentally and physically beforehand. Let’s talk about what risks one can face once the surgery is done.

Beard Hair Transplant: A quick overview 

In the beard hair transplant procedure, the surgeon extracts hair follicles from a contributor area, typically located in the back of the head, and implanted to the patient’s jawline or wherever they want their beard to grow. To do this, either one of the approaches is used by the surgeon – follicular unit transplantation or follicular unit extraction. 

However, the complications associated with beard transplantation are exceptional, and risks are minimal, ranging from swelling and minor discomfort. In fact, the most common concerns seen after surgery are infection, redness in the targeted area, additional swelling, pain, bruising, and sores. If you are looking for a beard hair transplant center, book your appointment at Vizox Clinic, known as the best beard transplant in Chandigarh.

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    Risks of Beard Transplants: You need to be aware of 

    Whether it is a beard restoration or a facial hair transplant, they share the same risks just like any other hair transplant method. As stated above, complications are minimal, though, they may last for a few days after surgery. The possible side effects and complications with beard transplants include scarring, bruising, redness, pain, poor results, pitting, nerve damage, hair loss, and a lot more. 

    Below are the common risks of beard transplants:

    1. Scarring and other possible risks 

    Permanent scarring can potentially occur whether it is FUT or FUE. In the FUT procedure, wounds usually become worse as a strip of tissue is extracted from the donor area. Even as the donor area heals, the actual wound will turn into a scar. Even though this scar is usually a very fine line that can be hidden by existing hair, getting a short haircut can make the fear noticeable.

    On the other hand, FUE minimizes the complications of scars and lesions and makes it less likely that they will be easily noticeable. Well, these are usually invisible and small and will not be exposed on a short haircut.

    To conclude: Both FUE and FUT may leave scars at the contributor area. While the FUT approach causes a long horizontal scar in the contributor area, the FUE hair transplant method causes tiny, typically invisible scars. 

    1. Abnormal hair growth and wide scar 

    This particular risk can be occurred by botched FUT method, also known as botched beard restoration. One may experience a complication named necrosis in the recipient or donor area. When blood circulation is impaired to the targeted area, necrosis occurs. The reason behind this is the wound is packed very tightly after strip reaping during the FUT beard transplant. However, even if the wound is adequately sealed, a person with poor blood circulation may still experience necrosis. Therefore, it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider before undergoing a beard transplant.

    1. Risk of Folliculitis 

    An infection occurs within the hair follicle, Folliculitis is a rare complication that comes along with beard transplants. However, it usually improves by itself but requires medication in some cases. Folliculitis occurs as crusty sores, small red bumps, red skin, itching, tenderness, painful bumps, and inflamed skin. To prevent it from occurring, the patient is suggested to go through all the aftercare follow-ups given by their surgeons.

    Note: The surgeon will recommend oral antibiotics, antibiotic creams, or antifungal treatments depending on the type of folliculitis, whether it is viral, fungal, or bacterial, and the symptoms. Consult a relevant expert of beard hair transplant in Chandigarh to know about its medication and creams. 

    1. Risk of infections

    Even though advances in beard restoration have significantly reduced the risk of complications, there are still some risks that can occur and those are infections. It can be even higher if the procedure is not performed by a certified facial hair transplant surgeon.

    Well, infections associated with beard hair transplant can be serious and affect the patient’s health, ranging from reducing the success of the beard transplant to causing hair loss in areas where hair had not fallen before. However, the most common cause of infection is unsanitary conditions at the graft site or contributor area.

    Note: The risk of infection from a beard hair transplant is very low, but facial appearance can be affected by serious infection. Sometimes, in case of poor condition, the patient may require follow-up restorative surgery to accurate the problematic area.

    Signs: The visible symptoms of an infection after transplant include discomfort, extreme redness, excessive bleeding, swelling, and burning sensation.

    Suggestions to reduce Beard Hair Transplant’s risks 

    One of the best ways to reduce the risk of a beard hair transplant is to appoint a board-certified, qualified plastic surgeon. With that, the possibility of rare side effects and complications will be reduced automatically. To find the right doctor, check the reviews given by satisfied customers. Plus, be sure to check if they are using the latest technological methods like the FUE method.

    Final Words

    Beard hair transplant is an expensive and invasive procedure, but the effects are lifelong. Talk with your surgeon first about the benefits and surgery, supplements, and topical medications. 

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