Insights on Unseen Causes of Hair Loss: Both Genders
Hair Transplant Treatment for women

Improper Care may not always be the primary cause of hair loss among males and females. If even changing hair care products, including shampoo, oil, hair mask, conditioner, and others, is not helping, this is a signal of health issues associated with your body. 

Excessive hair fall, in most cases, can be the result of dysfunction of body system. Diagnosing diseases early and getting proper treatment can help to some extent. In case of severe hair loss, look for the Affordable Hair Transplant Clinic in Chandigarh.

However, the conditions associated with baldness and hair loss vary from temporary to chronic, requiring ongoing treatment to simple medical interventions. If natural aging and genetic predisposition aren’t causing hair loss, determining the hidden illness is essential before the condition get worsens. These unseen causes are as follows

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    Endocrine Disorders

    The number of hair strands can be fallen out with the failure having in the endocrine system. It plays a vital role in the process of dividing hair follicles, so failure to it can lead to baldness. If hormones are produced in low amounts, hair becomes brittle and weak because they lack vital minerals and nutrition. To conclude, hair loss can occur with various endocrine disorders, such as hyperthyroidism, growth hormone deficiency, SAHA syndrome, etc. 

    Seborrhea dermatitis

    The occurrence of diseases like functional disorders of the nervous system, malfunction of the endocrine system, fungal disease, and intoxication causes excessive hair loss. In this disease, the hair follicles stop getting vital nutrition, and the pores get clogged, due to which hair starts falling and becoming thin.

    Note: People having hair loss because of seborrhea dermatitis should get the proper treatment from a relevant healthcare provider.

    Hair loss related to Diabetes 

    The dependence of people with type 2 diabetes on insulin injections can lead to hair breakage, excessive hair loss, as well as weakening of the hair over time. The reason for this is prolonged lethargy and low energy levels. Furthermore, hair loss is an adverse reaction to the medication taken by the diabetes patient and fungal infections in the scalp.

    Tip: In that case, follow a healthy lifestyle and reduce the level of stress. In addition, optimize your diet to obtain significant amounts of minerals and vitamins.

    Lack of blood or Anemia

    Alopecia can occur in women with a lack of iron in the body. Therefore, in case of excessive hair fall, it is important to get a blood test done to know the hemoglobin level in the body. Apart from this, consult a dietitian to get suggestions regarding food items containing vitamins and iron. Also, by normalizing iron in the blood, you can prevent hair loss.

    Oncological diseases

    One of the major reasons for excessive hair fall is if a man or woman has a Malignant Tumor inside the body. In general, a person who has cancer cells may experience weak hair and hair loss because these cells have a negative effect on the body. Another reason for fallout is chemotherapy given to cancer patients during ongoing treatment.

    Nutritional Deficiencies

    Both hair growth and hair structure can be adversely affected because of nutritional deficiencies. Restrictive diets and quick weight loss can result in improper intake of important minerals and vitamins. Iron deficiency and inadequate protein intake can cause hair loss to a great extent. Ensuring basic nutrition and maintaining a healthy diet is important for healthy hair growth.

    Tip: Eat nutrient-rich foods, including almonds, vegetables, salmon, and avocado, to promote hair health.

    Hormone Imbalance

    In both genders (male and female), hormone imbalances may cause hair to fall out and thin. However, hormones can disturb for a variety of causes at any age. The thyroid gland is important when it comes to regulating hormone levels. The production of too little or too much thyroid hormone occur hair fall, which is typically a temporary condition. 

    Note: Normalizing the strands associated with hormone imbalance can often be solved.

    Medication and Drug Side Effects

    Sometimes, the prescribed medication dosage may cause excessive hair loss. Such medications are listed as having potential side effects, including blood pressure, some heart, and arthritis medications. Some other medicines that may increase the risk of hair loss are birth control pills, antidepressants, and blood thinners.

    Tip: In such a case, consult your healthcare provider and ask him to suggest an alternative medicine.


    If stress is left untreated, it can cause various kinds of health issues, including hair loss. Hair loss caused by stress is usually reversible, meaning it will grow back on its own when levels are controlled or reduced.

    Tip: Get enough sleep, exercise, and use relaxation and meditation techniques to keep stress under control.

    Other causes

    Frequent perming, during the menstrual cycle and frequent dyeing and coloring can also cause hair loss. If your diet lacks protein, you may experience temporary hair fallout.


    Overall, to sum up, the reasons behind the loss of hair are various. If hair falls in more than average amounts, get a thorough medical checkup of the entire body to find out the real cause. But if baldness starts happening, it is the right time to go to Chandigarh Hair Transplant Clinic.

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